Know that no reward should be expected. Earthly rewards are not for you. You who strive must pursue the path boldly, without thought of danger or of joys to come. Remember what I have said to you. Accept not the best fruit from the table of the Lord, even if […]
Yearly Archives: 2020
The students gathered, and the Teacher came. – So, how are you faring with my Work? – Teacher, we work through introspection to transubstantiate our hard parts, to love all of the qualities of the human being, to experience humanity as our self; we try to become ever more better […]
By T.H. When we speak with people regarding prayer we find out that many perceive it as a religious practice characterized by superstition, which cannot be taken seriously by modern humans, who have discovered that the world functions based on natural laws. Our own experience, however, is that prayer is […]
After living for thousands of years on this planet, we see that, apart from a few bright exceptions, our majority still lives within conflict, violence, lawlessness, with the intention to exploit others, and with a small or even non-existent awareness regarding the universal laws of the Whole. Violence and wrong-doing […]
Morya, one of the three who comprise the head of the Planetary Brotherhood of Light, gave a series of teachings through Helena Roerich from 1918 up until 1938, in which he speaks extensively about the coming of the marvelous time on Earth, for which all light workers are working. He […]
Djwal Khul, commonly referred to as “the Tibetan”, one of the brothers of the Planetary Brotherhood, closely connected to Kuthumi and Morya, conveyed from 1919 up until 1949 a large volume of teachings through Alice Bailey. Here we quote a few excerpts from his book Esoteric Psychology Vol I regarding […]
← Part six: Apprenticeship By S.F. Cooperation On Palm Sunday of 1995, Ioannis left his material form. He was assimilated fully into the Word-Logos and his presence was diffused inside every human being. In 2006, after a period of preparation, Ioannis – in absolute union with the Mother and therefore […]
No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or […]
← Part five: The Logos Son-Mother By S.F. Apprenticeship Apprentices gathered around the two bodies of the Word-Logos in the new cosmic period, Ioannis and Anastasia, who were also both undergoing apprenticeship with the Logos itself as the teacher, so that they could take the steps needed to develop likeness […]